Understanding customers and their needs has long been a goal for many companies in order to increase their engagement and loyalty. Recent research by McKinsey has underlined the importance of conducting customer journeys in order to better understand the customers’ experience and facilitate moments that matter in the touchpoints with them.
They way consumers make decisions has become increasingly complex as they are exposed to multiple stimuli that prompt them to engage with a brand, varying from marketing, to online searches, social media, reviews & recommendations and above the line campaigns. So what was once thought of as an ”I offer, you buy” kind of process, has now become a multiple stage one. Each customer journey can have different steps but when it comes to buying a product we know that it starts way before your buyer makes the purchase. It starts with awareness, moves on to acquisition, onboarding, engagement, and finally advocacy. Running cusτomer journeys will allow you to get a comprehensive view of all customer-facing activities and create a plan that is developed based on insights about your consumers, giving you an unquestionable competitive advantage.
Customer journeys, especially if based on data, will help you better understand your consumers’ needs, wants, and pains, and turn the data you get into valuable insights. More specifically you will be able to:
- Identify all the touch points and evaluate all the ways your customers interact with your brand
- Get a clearer understanding on the gaps between the desired customer experience and the one actually received
- Understand possible development priorities
- Concentrate your efforts and expenditures on what matters the most
Are you interested to find out more about how to run customer journeys? Do not hesitate to contact us