Can employees drive change?krataionconsulting2025-03-24T17:05:15+02:00
How do Greek employees assess their managers’ leadership skills in 2024?
krataionconsulting2024-12-03T12:28:14+02:00A recent study conducted by...
Unlocking M&A Performance & ROI with Culture
krataionconsulting2024-09-23T15:52:23+02:00Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are...
Is it leadership that mostly blocks change?
krataionconsulting2024-04-13T17:38:16+02:00By Spiros Milonas, Founder of...
The main internal operational challenges of digital agencies in Greece
krataionconsulting2024-04-13T17:27:30+02:00A research by Krataion Consulting...
The meaning of empowering leaders of today
krataionconsulting2024-04-13T17:23:59+02:00By Rena Kalogianni The Meaning...
Business: a male or female world?
krataionconsulting2024-04-13T17:49:37+02:00How and why female and...
Change: What is the timeline & how long will it take?
krataionconsulting2024-04-13T17:47:59+02:00By Spiros Milonas, Founder Krataion...
Remote working and cultural turbulences
krataionconsulting2024-04-13T17:34:19+02:00By Spiros Milonas, Founder Krataion...